Principal Investigator

Prof. Megan HoltzMegan Holtz is an assistant professor in the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. Previously, she was an NRC Postdoctoral Associate in the Materials Measurement Laboratory at NIST and as a postdoc and graduate student at Cornell University. She uses scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and oxide molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) to investigate the fundamental properties of ferroelectric and multiferroic interfaces, as well as develop materials properties to bring them closer to device applications.

Interested in collaborating with or joining the group? Please contact Megan.

Colorado School of Mines
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Office: Hill Hall 307
Phone: +1 303-273-3543

Email: mholtz at

Graduate Students

Dagny Sacksteder is a graduate student in the Materials at Mines program.

contact her at dsacksteder at








Undergraduate Students

Jack Dorsey is a sophomore in the MME department.

contact him at jackdorsey at







Colton Brown is a sophomore in the MME department.

contact him at coltonbrown at







Alec Williamson is a sophomore in the MME department.

contact him at alecwilliamson at